Your Place or Not. 
A group exhibition exploring the notions of home, domesticity and creating the atmosphere manipulating space and light in the space.
Artists working in the space of flat, cozy, living, inhabited, using the artworks to stimulate the memories of the previous homes and the making the current one inconvenient and impossible to inhabit creating a paradox for its domesticity. 
Maria Goryachkina is working with moving light and reflections in order to create an illusion of the reflections one can see while lying in their bedroom at night, ready to sleep but not yet there looking at the ceiling and quietly and comfortably observing the lights from passing by cars coming through windows and moving around the rooms surfaces. The reflections, light and soft patterns create the cozy and safe atmosphere one usually find at home. 
Sharp edges of the broken pieces accentuate the inconveniences and imperfections of the memories about our previous homes.  
Your place or not

Your place or not
